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Sinkhole Repair

sinkhole in the road

A sinkhole is a ground depression with no natural exterior surface drainage. This basically means that when it rains, all of the water remains inside the sinkhole and drains into the subsurface. Sinkholes are common in Florida, which are mostly underlain by limestone and prone to them.  These forms of rock begin to dissolve as water from rainfall passes through the soil. This generates caverns and underground places. Sinkholes are spectacular because the land normally remains intact for a long time until the subsurface areas get too large. An abrupt collapse of the ground surface can occur if there is insufficient support for the land above the voids.


Sinkhole Danger Zone

Sinkholes, in most cases, appear gradually and can be detected in advance. There are a few methods for detecting the risk of sinkhole occurrence. The following are the most important danger signs to be aware of: Building cracks in the walls, floors, and ceilings Opening and closing doors or windows becomes more difficult, resulting in jamming. Following rainfall, gullies and small ponds form. Re-emergence/exposure of previously buried structures, such as tree roots, building foundations, and so on. Poor growth/death of vegetation on the ground surface as a result of nutrient-rich topsoil erosion


Most Common Types of Sinkholes

Solution sinkholes form when water dissolves limestone beneath the topsoil. Natural crevices in underground rock formations widen as limestone dissolves. Gravity pulls topsoil into these defects, forming depressions in the ground surface where rainwater can collect and form ponds. Cover-subsidence Sinkholes have badly compressed topsoil with weak aggregation are highly susceptible to sinkhole formation. These soil particles track downwards into flaws in the underlying bedrock formations, causing large defects on the ground surface.


Grouting Repair Techniques

There are a few different techniques our experts at Coral Spring Foundation Repair suggest with Sinkhole Foundation repairs. Grouting involves the use of concrete or other chemical substances to fill subsurface defects. Compaction Grouting Cement grout is used to fill the sinkhole defect. A significant drawback to this method is the fact that cement-based grout may be required in excessively large amounts as defect size may be underestimated. Chemical grouting relies on the use of a stable expanding material to repair the sinkhole. An effective example of chemical grouting is void-filling foam. Because of its expanding properties, polyurethane foam is especially useful for filling voids beneath concrete slabs. It spreads into difficult-to-reach cracks and crevices, resulting in a more stable, long-lasting grout layer. This one-of-a-kind polymer is pumped into sinkhole cavities to fill dangerous voids


Piling Repair Techniques

The use of underpins to support the foundation of a building structure is an effective method of addressing sinkholes under a home. To stabilize and prevent overlying structures from settling further, these pins are driven beneath the ground surface to the point of refusal. This is the idea behind pressed pilings foundation repair, which uses concrete cylinders to stabilize your sagging foundation at its perimeter. Our pressed piling system reaches a deeper soil base that is less vulnerable to poor and inconsistent environmental conditions such as sinkholes.

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