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Slab Foundation Repair

house slab foundation being repaired

Slab cracks can indicate foundation issues. Because of Florida's extreme weather, the soil beneath your home and foundation expands and contracts, causing it to pull away from the foundation. As a result, the foundation of your home becomes unstable. Slab cracks, bowing walls, cracks in walls, leaning chimneys, and stuck windows and doors are all signs of foundation damage. Attempting to repair a slab crack yourself maybe a cosmetic fix, but it will not address the potential serious foundation problem. Coral Spring has various methods in Repairing Slab foundation:


Steel and Concrete Pressed Pilings

The introduction of steel piers revolutionized the foundation repair industry.

Steel pier foundation repair takes much less time than traditional drilled piers and disturbs the repair site much less. Since its inception, the steel pier process has advanced dramatically, and it now relies on technology and site data to properly drive the piers into place. Concrete is cost-effective in some soil types, and pressed pilings are very effective. The combined pilings support the foundation and, pressed pilings are also available in steel. Pressed pilings may be used for foundation repair instead of standard concrete piers. Pressed pilings are less expensive than traditional methods of foundation repair, and have become a popular choice by most commercial and residential property owners.



Slabjacking is a technique used by the expert at Cora; Springs Foundation Repair to fix a sinking foundation. Filling the area beneath the slab and forcing it back to its original position is maybe a better description of the process. Slabjacking includes drilling access holes through the slab and filling the region beneath it with cement and other chemicals to repair it. Slabjacking is a highly technical procedure that involves specialized equipment and highly skilled workers.


High-Density Polyurethane Foam

Some types of slab repair have been simplified by the use of high-density polyurethane foam. The foam is injected into the foundation in a six-foot checkerboard pattern on the problem area. Because of the speed with which it can be repaired, high-density polyurethane foam has become one of the most popular Slab foundation repair methods in the industry today. In most cases, this repair method is also very cost-effective. This repair method, however, is not without flaws. Before installation, the plumbing must be checked for any possible leaks because foam can enter the hole and may cause some plumbing damages.  During the repair process, errant foam can also clog HVAC ducts. If your foundation problem is too severe to be resolved by slabjacking or high-density foam, pier support may be considered necessary.


Helical and Spot Piers

Helical piers s another repair method used in foundation repair.  They resemble a giant screw and can be used for both external and interior foundation and slab repairs.  Spot piers are concrete-filled holes in the ground. They are frequently hand-dug, and they are an excellent choice for low-load locations such as porches. However, the weight of the foundation they can support is limited. Foundations can be repaired in a variety of ways. The problem is to ensure that the solution chosen is the most appropriate for the situation. Contact Coral Springs Foundation repair for assistance in making sure you are getting the correct method to fix your foundation and give you peace of mind that the job is done right.

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